LOTR: The Rings Of Power Episode 4 Recap


Most of the action in the episode takes place in the Southlands. With Orcs slowly undermining the stability of the region (literally), the people of the Southlands retreat to the abandoned Elvish watch tower, where Bronwyn (Nazanin Boniadi) takes up an active role in leading the defenses. The one person she can’t seem to get to listen to her, though, is her trouble-making teenager, Theo (Tyroe Muhafidin), who sneaks off with a friend to a nearby village to forage for some food.

This little side adventure ends with Theo nearly gutted by an Orc … only to discover that his broken sword blade is precisely the item that the invaders are ravaging the Southlands to find. Theo ends up rescued by the released Arondir, and the pair unite with Bronwyn in the woods. They’re being chased by Orcs, but they manage to make it back to the watchtower. So, all ends well for the moment.

The real question here is what will happen next. When you boil it down, what’s unfolded in the Southlands in the first half of Season 1 is pretty simple (even if they’ve set it up in a very roundabout way). Adar and his Orcs are sneakily invading the area looking for Theo’s sword hilt. At the same time, we know from the reveal of Sauron’s sigil in Episode 3 that this is the area that will eventually become Sauron’s new realm of Mordor. These two elements could be related. Then again, maybe Adar is trying to find a weapon to allow him to usurp the Dark Lord’s power. All of this is assuming the fact that the Elvish-looking baddie isn’t already Sauron. There are a lot of intriguing factors at play here … hopefully some of them resolve before the end of the season.



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