The Surprisingly Relatable Way Queen Elizabeth Stored Food




The queen’s preference for her yellow Tupperware (via International Business Times) appears to be where her relatability when it came to her meal preferences ended, because as The Guardian reports, the staff had clear instructions on how her breakfast table was to be laid out — a “detailed plan” showing where every piece of crockery, cutlery, condiment belonged — and we’re guessing her yellow Tupperware with Special K had a special place too.

The assignments were equally detailed; for example, there was one maid to decant coffee into a silver jug, another member of staff to take the coffee to a page, who served it to Queen Elizabeth II. So while we know the make and color of the Queen’s preferred plastic box, we’re still in the dark about the shape and size of her favored Tupperware, or even how her staff managed to get hold of the containers. And unless someone spills the beans now, we’ll never know. 



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