Eric Leis ’22 JD Wins Second Place in Georgetown Law Writing Contest | News | The law school




Erik Leis

Eric Leis, a 2022 Notre Dame Law School graduate, won second place in the Georgetown Law Technology Review Student Technology Writing Competition.

His paper, “Judicial Review of Commissioner HAL 9000,” addresses the role that the increasing growth of artificial intelligence technology is playing in the adjudication of federal administrative agencies. His paper argues that the current standard used is not useful for the nuances of artificial intelligence. He presents a new standard for judicial review of federal agency factual determinations made by artificial intelligence, which includes decided and the Public Administration Act.

The competition was sponsored by The Institute for Technology Law & Policy at Georgetown Law, and winners were selected from more than 40 entries. In addition to a cash prize, Leis’ paper will be published in the fall issue of the Georgetown Law Technology Review.

While at Notre Dame Law School, Leis was the executive editor of the Journal on Emerging Technologies, president of the Military and Veteran Law Society, and founder of the Notre Dame Law School Running Club. He currently clerks for Judge David Porter of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit in Pittsburgh.



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