Who Will Be In Charge Of Overseeing The Queen’s Funeral?


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The world lost its longest-serving monarch on September 8, when it was announced that Queen Elizabeth II had died peacefully at her home in Balmoral, Scotland. Though the queen had been on the throne for 70 years, celebrating her Platinum Jubilee in June, there was already in place a detailed, complicated plan on what to do should she die, covered by The Guardian in 2017. Although then the code word that was thought to be used should she die, “London Bridge has fallen,” most likely changed after it was made public, many of the other arrangements that had been discussed will stay the same, including the queen lying in state in Scotland before being transported via train to Buckingham Palace, where she will then lie in state in the throne room. 

While the queen approved of these plans before her death, the funeral itself will still need to be overseen by someone, and that someone will be the 18th Duke of Norfolk, Edward William Fitzalan-Howard. As The Guardian reported, the Norfolks have been in charge of royal funerals since 1672 and have received offices in St. James’ Palace for such an occasion. The last time these offices were used was for the death of King George VI in 1952. It’s safe to say that the queen’s funeral will look slightly different than that of her father, although the sentiment and ceremony will most likely be quite similar.



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