The Luxurious Food King Charles Refuses To Eat




Under King Charles III’s reign, there is one dish you’ll never see prepared in the royal kitchen. According to Daily Express, deputy master of the household at Clarence House Andrew Farquharson revealed that chefs could not purchase or serve foie gras. This refusal of the food began long before the new king’s reign — it’s been prohibited from the royal kitchen for the last 14 years.

Foie gras, which is considered a delicacy, is the enlarged liver of a duck or goose. Though King Charles III regards it as “disgusting,” many others dislike it due to issues surrounding animal rights. In order to make the dish, you must force feed the duck or goose through a feeding tube to enlarge its liver. Groups such as PETA have called for the banning of the dish altogether.

So, what’s the king’s go-to meal? According to former Royal Chef Darren McGrady, “He loves wild mushrooms and would take his chefs to Balmoral to show them where the best mushrooms are. We brought them back to Buckingham Palace and they were the most amazing porcini mushrooms” (via Daily Express).



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