Hulk Ally Marlo Chandler is back


Ever since the emergence of the Marvel Universe in comics, it has given birth to some of the most iconic characters in all of pop culture. While plenty of superheroes, villains, and otherwise ordinary characters have become mainstays in the world of comics, some have ended up falling by the wayside despite their former popularity. In the case of Marlo Chandler, it looks like that might not be the case much longer, even if the ’80s fan favorite isn’t exactly making a proper comeback.

While Genis-Vell: Captain Marvel #2 (by Peter David, Juanan Ramirez, Federico Blee and VC’s Ariana Maher), the titular hero uncovering the threat posed by the maniacal Ren-Varr, Vox Supreme’s former right-hand man, finds nothing could prepare him for the scale of the villain’s newfound power. Far from simply commanding an armada of Kree warships and soldiers, Ren-Varr has taken control of Lady Death himself. Thanks to having an innate connection with the Skrull hero, Jazinda, Death has been able to reach out and leave a warning of what is happening. Far more intriguing than Death’s capture, however, is the bodily form she chose to take before falling into the hands of her captor. Not only has Death got a particularly familiar face, it is perhaps the clearest sign that Marlo Chandler will make a comeback.

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When Marlo first appeared in the 1988s Incredible Hulk #347 (by Peter David and Jeff Purves), she chased thrills in no particular direction, landing her right in the arms of Mr. Fixit. Although their relationship was not built to last, it eventually led to her meeting Rick Jones, with whom Marlo quickly fell in love. Unfortunately, a possessed and unhinged attacker would bring an end to Marlo’s life, at least for a while. By turning to the advanced technology of Samuel Sterns, aka The Leader, Rick was able to bring Marlo back. When she returned, Marlo was reduced to a comatose state, though not due to anything within her or her allies’ control.

It was soon revealed that Marlo’s coma was a reaction to Death taking a ride in her body in hopes of hiding from the god known as Walker who was hunting her. All of this culminated in Death developing a strange, unspoken kinship with Marlo, something that continues to this day. Or rather, it has been on death row, while Marlo’s story apparently ended over a decade ago. The last time Marlo was seen in a relative’s presence was in 2011 Incredible Hulks #620 (by Greg Pak and Paul Pelletier). This has not stopped her from appearing in flashbacks or stories set in the past such as New Fantastic Four, but as for where Marlo is today, no one really has any idea. At least no one besides the currently indisposed Death, that is.

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For someone who has fought alongside multiple Captain Marvels and Hulks of almost every variety, it’s more than a little strange that Marlo has actually disappeared entirely. That’s not to say she doesn’t deserve a relaxing retirement after all she’s been through, but the prospect of it remains unfounded. Since her last proper appearance, she simply hasn’t been around, and the fact that no one can tell where she went is a sobering sign that she probably wants it to stay that way.

Of course, it’s hard for anyone who has played a prominent role in the Marvel Universe to stay out of it for very long. Death’s current predicament may be just what Marlo needs to get back into the action. If there’s one person who can make it through to Death despite her imprisonment, it’s definitely Marlo Chandler. Provided Genis-Vell overcomes everything on her way and can find her before Ren-Varr puts Death’s powers to horrifying use, Marlo may even have a chance to single-handedly save the entire universe.



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