These Starbucks Secret Menu Drinks Are Perfect For Halloween


Unpopular opinion, but Frappuccinos are slightly overrated. In a world full of flavorful and cold whipped coffee beverages, sometimes people crave a holiday-filled cup of caffeine but with the taste of actual coffee or tea. Even during the cooler months, it is nice to snuggle up to a hot cup of Joe sprinkled with some Halloween joy. Surprisingly, it was actually challenging trying to find Halloween-themed hot drinks at Starbucks since the world is stuck in an eternal iced coffee craze.

But, journalism prevails, and we found the perfect sweet but not-too-sweet holiday hot beverage for ghostly guys, gals, and pals. The Dirty Werewolf, created by Totally The Bomb, is the not-overly strong-tasting secret Starbucks drink that will leave you zinging and screaming “Team Jacob” from the rooftops (or Team Edward, you do you). To order this, first, ask for a grande hot chai tea latte; even though it would also taste delicious over ice. Add one or two shots of espresso depending on your will to exist throughout the day, one pump of cinnamon dolce syrup, and a pinch of cinnamon on top. It’s perfectly spicy, savory, and will leave you saying Frappe-who?



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