The Head-Turning Number Of Songs Kelly Clarkson Has Written About Her Divorce




Kelly Clarkson is gearing up to release a new album, and it sounds like it’s all about her divorce. While speaking with Entertainment Tonight, the mother-of-two dished on the astronomical number of songs she’s written since her marriage ended. “I have written like 60 songs,” shared Clarkson. “It is an insane amount of getting it out.” The singer continued, “Anytime you go through some life, it’s such an awesome thing to have that outlet, regardless of whether people hear it or not.” And, while the Grammy award-winning songstress says she’s still trying to figure out just how much she wants to share, she’s appreciative of the process. “Whatever happens though, it is such a gift. Like, I don’t know how anybody, I’ll just be real with you, goes through grief like divorce, any kind of grief, any kind of loss, without having an outlet like this.”

Clarkson’s album isn’t due out until 2023, but she’s already making plans to tour — if she can fit it into her busy schedule, which includes hosting “The Kelly Clarkson Show.” Speaking with Variety, Clarkson shared, “I know there are other guys and girls out there that have been through this kind of breakup who are going to need to scream at the top of their lungs — you can come and join me.”



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