How The September 10 Full Moon Will Affect You If You’re An Aquarius




Hearing that this full moon is all about finances might not seem like the most exciting news, Aquarius (January 20 to February 18), but it’s necessary. The September 10 full moon lands in your second house of income, and it is time to take stock of where your money is going, per InStyle. Who isn’t recovering from a summer of embracing any and all plans and exciting purchases? But with the changing seasons comes the realization that maybe it’s time to buckle down on figuring out what spending habits could change and improve. Use this full moon to figure out your budget and how it can allow you fulfillment without breaking the bank, and as for any toxic spending habits? This full moon is the time to release them and figure out a happy medium that is best for both you and your bank account. 

Now, landing in your second house of income does not only mean figuring out your literal cash flow, it is much deeper than that. The full moon is the time for Aquarius to explore where your money is coming from and whether that is fulfilling you, per InStyle. Whether in the case of your career or any side hustle you have going on, use this time to figure out whether or not your income matches your own personal values. Money holds both power and energy, so make sure yours is coming from a place of joy and fulfillment.



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