Gordon Ramsay Pays A Tearjerking Tribute To The Queen




Following Queen Elizabeth II’s death on September 8, chef Gordon Ramsay expressed to Twitter how he felt about the loss. “You will be so missed, a truly remarkable woman who gave so much to us all in Great Britain and worldwide,” his message began. “So humble, selfless, and giving. Someone who made such an impact on us all over her decades of service. Rest in perfect peace, your Majesty. Gordon.” The tribute was posted alongside a photo of the queen smiling and wearing a yellow outfit.

In the replies, Twitter users expressed their grief for the queen while applauding Ramsay’s message. “That’s a lovely statement,” one user wrote to the chef. Another comment read, “I feel very strange. Sadness and a loss too. It is quite odd and I don’t think I expected to feel so much. I might need a little cry.” Some even shared their own tear-jerking statements, with one writing “Even in her final hours she put duty to her country before herself. Welcoming the new Prime Minister just 48 hours ago. Thank you your majesty, there will never be another to match you. RIP.”

It’s clear that Queen Elizabeth II will be highly mourned across the globe.



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